A wedding planner is responsible for planning all the things. Be it a a trifle table cloth or a designer stage for the bride and groom, sometimes it can get way too overwhelming. Taking care of all the minute details is not an easy task always, but you cannot let your guard down when it comes to rental props and handling them with extreme care. Any damage to it will cause you a big fortune which we obviously desired. So let’s quickly dive into some knick knacks of rental props and their handling.
A Perfect Storage is a must!
When you plan on finalizing the venue, the ultimate thing that you have to look for is how much storage is provided in that venue, because you probably don’t want to keep your rental props lying here and there where they can be damaged or exposed to harsh weather conditions.
Look for a bigger storage where your tables, chairs, artificial flowers and many other décor items can be stored easily.

Delivery, Installation & Pick up
Make sure that the venue is in proper reach of the transportation facility. If not, then keep arrangements prior to the main day so that there is no hustle and bustle on the final day, as we do not want to run late with our preparations for the wedding.
Also while installation or delivery, remember to be there for better inspection or at least send someone whom you trust to inspect the unloading and storage.

Always Hire From A Trusted Vendor
You should always rent props from a trusted vendor. As this gives you assurance that they will not back out at the last moment or they will not come with excuses of not being able to provide you with a particular décor piece that they promised before.
With trust comes a lot of comfort too, you know your work would be handled well on time and they understand your taste and work style as well which helps them in their decorations.
Learn From Your Own Mistakes
Being a part of event industry is a challenging task, work can knock your door late at night or early in the morning and for providing a realistic experience to your clients you will get up and open that door with a smile.
It is your own learning and experiences that will help you grow as a wedding planner. Though this blog here focuses on some of the points that you need to take care as a wedding planner while dealing with rental props, still we know that each wedding planner has his own way of learning and outgrowing the challenging situations. Being a wedding planner can be a tedious job some days but at the end when everything wraps up and you leave your client happy and satisfied, it all seems worth the effort.