Streamline Your Wedding With These Wedding Rentals

Streamline Your Wedding With These Wedding Rentals

In the past few years, Indian wedding decoration has definitely gone through a transformation from simplicity to extravagant and how! With the active wedding rental companies in the market, it has become very easy and cost-effective for people to rent out the wedding décor props and other wedding rental items to add the touch of glam and festivity in your functions. Streamline your wedding rentals with these rentals and make the best of the resources.

1. Sculptures

Wedding sculptures installed in the entry, stage, sides of the aisle, food counters, by the reception tables and more add the opulent vibe to the decoration. There are a variety of options available for wedding sculptures with party rental weddings like the couple sculptures, personalized sculptures, and other figurines. Sculptures usually act as a center of attractions to the night functions paired with the glory of lights. You can choose from a variety of materials like crystal, ceramics, bronze, copper and even gold finish depending upon your preference.


sculpture setup
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2. Photo booths

In the digital world where everything goes straight to the gram, it is almost a sin to miss out on an amazing photo booth in your décor setup.  Photo booths are not only the perfect spot for getting clicked and saving your wedding memories forever but also act as a décor element that binds the entire wedding venue to look together.


photobooth decor


3. Backdrops

Backdrops can also act as an untitled photo booth at weddings. It is important to have a definite backdrop to highlight the stage. There are many wedding backdrop rentals in the market and they offer a wide variety of options from floral to whimsical to vintage to regale to rustic and more.


floral wall
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4. Chandeliers

Chandeliers can make a wedding function look dreamy and expensive in absolutely no time. You can pick from the grandiose crystal chandelier, light vintage ones and even the floral chandeliers that make the entire setting extremely appealing and attractive.


flower chandelier
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